เนื้อเพลง Distance Disturbs Me
Distance Disturbs Me - Set It Off
I wish I never saw your face
Then I wouldn't need a place to frame you in my mind
Hanging on the wall
My memories and all
But you're not tangible
Stuck on sentimental
The history we never had
Almost accidental
The way you live inside my head
I would kill to be a mile away
To feel the breath you'll take
But fate won't let me
Distance disturbs me
Now I wish we never met
I wish I could forget who you are
Distance disturbs me
Cause we just can't connect
I found my one regret and it was you
Distance disturbs me
Separated by a scream
It's just a bitter sweet success with a dash of failure
I'm hanging by a thread
Intentions cut to shred
I'm starting to lose my grip
So someone please distract me
I need a new obsession
Am I just going crazy
I'll never learn my lesson because
I would kill to be a mile away
To feel the breath you'll take
But fate won't let me
Distance disturbs me
Now I wish we never met
I wish I could forget who you are
Distance disturbs me
Cause we just can't connect
I found my one regret and it was you
Distance disturbs me
Throw it all away
For just one rainy day
Throw it all away
For just one rainy day with you
With you
I would kill to be a mile away
Or the breath you'll take
But fate won't let me
Distance disturbs me
Now I wish we never met wish we never met
I wish I could forget who you are who you are
Distance disturbs me
Cause we just can't connect cause we just can't connect
I found my one regret and it was you
I found my one regret and it was you
I found my one regret and it was you
เกี่ยวกับเพลงนี้ :
Distance Disturbs Me จาก Set It Off ปล่อยเมื่อวันที่ 25 มิ.ย. 2013. ฟังเพลง Distance Disturbs Me พร้อมทั้งเนื้อเพลงโดย Set It Off. ดาวน์โหลด JOOX Application เพื่อฟังเพลง Distance Disturbs Me และ ดูมิวสิควีดีโอเพลง Distance Disturbs Me แบบ online ได้ทันที!
Tags ที่เกี่ยวข้อง :
Distance Disturbs Me (โดย Set It Off), Distance Disturbs Me, Distance Disturbs Me มิวสิควีดีโอ, Distance Disturbs Me เนื้อเพลง, Set It Off เพลง