Lirik White Fanged Foreverness
White Fanged Foreverness
When hawks glide underwater
And salmon replace the unborn
The forgotten will rise from the oceans
Nests of kelp all strewn in their horns
And whispering
"Please take us back
Please take us back
We've learned our lessons "
And kate will break in down here
Without your seasons and fearless snow
And kate will break in down here
Without your seasons and fearless bones
And white fanged foreverness
Bare footed wilderness
Green tangled gills need rest
And we can be forever blessed
We can be forever blessed
If we take the back roads like you said
If we take the back roads
And here on this pile of shell
I call out
To the pods all gathered like thunderheads
Under-in our hands
Crying with your songs like a peaceful death
Please teach us release
Teach me release
Cause' kate will break in down here
Without your seasons and fearless snow
And kate will break in down here
Without your seasons and fearless bones
And white fanged foreverness
Barefooted wilderness
Green tangled gills need rest
And we can be forever blessed
We can be forever blessed
If we take the back roads like you said
If we take the back roads
And here on this pile of driftwood
I will
Carefully string up
Stick by stick
Thin by thick
Bit by bit
Rib by rib
Rib by rib
Rib by rib
Rib by rib
Until a marble of you dances and chants
"In perfect balance take me back
In perfect balance take me back
I've learned my lesson "
And white fanged foreverness
Barefooted wilderness
Green tngled gills need rest
And we can be forever blessed
We can be forever blessed
If we take the back roads like you said
If we take the back roads