Listen to Guitar Hero Hero (Beating Guitar Hero Doesn't Make You Slash) [feat. Paul Gilbert & Parry Gripp] song with lyrics from MC Lars

Guitar Hero Hero (Beating Guitar Hero Doesn't Make You Slash) [feat. Paul Gilbert & Parry Gripp]

MC Lars, Paul Gilbert, Parry Gripp24 Feb 2009

Guitar Hero Hero (Beating Guitar Hero Doesn't Make You Slash) [feat. Paul Gilbert & Parry Gripp] Lyrics


Walking down the hall all the fifth graders swoon

Autograph line every day in homeroom

On the playground all the kids like to point and


Check his calloused guitar button blisters

I'm a fourth grade celebrity

Plastic axe on my back and a Dragonforce T

My teachers know that I'm the man

A walking talking ten year old brand

Pepsi offered me mad G's to drink Sobe exclusively

Guitar Hero it's my song flip the switch and then

It's on

Well I'm starting up my Wii and all my fans are in the


I would invite my parents but they'll never understand

I've got a reputation for the levels that I beat

I'm a Guitar Hero hero hey that's me

They say Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil

I can beat Through the fire and Flames on expert


While Slash rocks the strip up and down LA

I push multi colored buttons on a stick all day

Dimebag brought the d**e harmonics

My five buttons are electronic

Clapton spilt his heart on Layla

I go

Click click click


Hendrix lit his strat on fire

Generations were inspired

One day my songs could do the same

If I weren't so addicted to this game

I'm a player I'm a hero I'm your rock star little man

If I don't do my homework will my teachers understand

Can't really strum a note and every gig I rock for free

I'm a Guitar Hero hero hey that's me

Beating Call of Duty doesn't mean your aim is good

Beating Wii Golf doesn't make you Tiger Woods

Beating Apples to Apples doesn't make you a farmer

Watching UFC won't make you any harder

Friends on Myspace won't make you a musician

Beating Operation doesn't make you a physician

Watching CSI doesn't make you a detective

Playing Mario Paint doesn't mean you have perspective

Beating Gears of War doesn't make you Wintson Churchill

Quoting 90's sitcoms doesn't make you Steve Urkel

Grand Theft Auto doesn't make you a player

Playing Sim City doesn't make you a mayor

Beating Rock Band doesn't mean you rock

Beating Tony Hawk doesn't make you Tony Hawk

American Idol won't make you a star

Beating Guitar Hero doesn't mean you play guitar

Play me some guitar

Now play me some guitar

Play me some guitar

Paul Gilbert on guitar

Let's go

Well I know my mom will ground me if I play again all


When I step into the zone I always rock it right

My eyes are getting bloodshot as my fingers start to


I'm a Guitar Hero hero

I'm gamer I'm an addict guitar strummer I'm a fan

One day I'll tour the country in my drummer's beat up


But until I learn to play I'll sit in front of my TV

I'm a Guitar Hero hero

I'm a Guitar Hero hero

I'm a Guitar Hero hero

Hey that's me

And that's me

And that's you

Well golly gee

