Listen to The Hippy Hippy Shake song with lyrics from Chan Romero

The Hippy Hippy Shake

Chan Romero4 Jun 2020

The Hippy Hippy Shake Lyrics

For Goodness' sake

I got the Hippy Hippy Shakes

I got the Shakes

I got the Hippy Hippy Shakes

Ooh I can't keep settle

With the Hippy Hippy Shakes

I get my fill now

With the Hippy Hippy Shakes

Yeah it's in the bag

Ooh the Hippy Hippy Shake

Yeah hou did you shake it to the left

You shake it to the right

Do the Hippy Shake Shake

With all of your might

And you shake it

Ooh who shake it

Yeah it's in the bag

Oh The Hippy Hippy Shake

Yeah how did you shake it to the left

Shake it to the right

You do the hippy shake shake

With all of your might

And you shake it

Oh who shake

Yeah it's in the bag

Ooh the Hippy Hippy Shake

Ooh the Hippy Hippy Shake Ooh

The hippy hippy shake


The Hippy Hippy Shake - Chan Romero