Listen to Carry Me To Safety song with lyrics from Our Last Night

Carry Me To Safety

Our Last Night4 May 2010

Carry Me To Safety Lyrics


Sometimes I swear

We'd be better off alone in this world

We'd be better off alone

You push me further and further away

From you

I'm beginning to lose every bit of faith I had in you

We should end this war

With half our men already dead

If I could save them I would

The bodies cover every inch of the trail

You push me further and further away

From you

I'm beginning to lose every bit of faith I had in you

Carry me to safety without a sound

Carry me to safety without a sound

We're destined for the end

Face the facts

Termination is closing in

I will emerge

And emerge out of this alive

You push me further and further away

From you

I'm beginning to lose every bit of faith I had in you

Carry me to safety without a sound

Had in you

Carry me to safety without a

Sometimes I swear

We'd be better off alone in this world

We'd be better off alone

I need my home

This cold and dark place


This place I need to escape