John Frusciante
1.6k FollowersJohn Frusciante是何许人?《Guitar Player》杂志的记者曾这样描述初次见到此人时的情形:"他留着乱糟糟的胡须和吉姆莫瑞森式的发型,穿一身古怪不相配的衣服,蜷缩着身体。看起来就像是一个失眠走神的哲学系学生而非一个摇滚明星……"对于正巧赶上九十年代初"另类音乐"潮流的乐迷来说,他的名字应该不会太陌生。作为Red Hot Chili Peppers(以下简称RHCP)的吉他手,John Frusciante不仅与乐队共同打造了三张具有标志性意义的专辑(《Mothers Milk》、《Blood Sugar Sex Magic》、《Californication》),而且他精湛的Funk吉他技艺与迷幻Riffs演奏也是RHCP引以为豪的利器。此外,John在独立音乐领域的单独发展也有不俗的表现。2001年,John Frusciante发行了他的第三张专辑《To Record Only Water For Ten Days》,在前两张专辑的基础上,这张专辑显出了一份清澈透明的实验氛围。作为其音乐的新起点,我们有理由相信John Frusciante的音乐才华与不断探索的艺术精神将使之成为当代最杰出的独立音乐人之一。
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Relish the songs of John Frusciante on Joox anytime! Whenever we talk about an artist with amazing songs and albums, we cannot afford to miss one name viz John Frusciante. John Frusciante is one of the popular artists having 1,673 followers. If you too are looking for a destination to find John Frusciante songs then look no more, at Joox we present an incredible compilation of John Frusciante music videos and songs with lyrics that you would truly enjoy!