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在音乐路上勇闯多年,从金属与流行摇滚乐团贝斯手,走过民谣双人组,终于在2021年开拓个人Solo Project,回归青春时影响自己最深的 Britpop 与 Grunge 音乐。音乐不是加法数学题,一个人的力量与眼界不一定更大也未必渺小,但卑微地相信能够更贴近自己的心。 Zero 喻意从零开始,回归对音乐的初衷。不违不惧,就是一个人的音乐的样子。 Zero has involved in music industry for decades, playing metal to pop rock, from bassist to folk duo. When Covid-19 Pandemic hit the world, he took time to have a reflection and decided to kick start his personal solo project. He is returning to Britpop and Grunge music. that influenced him most during teenage time. He humbly believes that can be closer to his heart. Zero means to start from scratch and return to the original intention. No violation or fear, just another solo on music path.

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魍魉14 Aug 2021

About Zero :

在音乐路上勇闯多年,从金属与流行摇滚乐团贝斯手,走过民谣双人组,终于在2021年开拓个人Solo Project,回归青春时影响自己最深的 Britpop 与 Grunge 音乐。音乐不是加法数学题,一个人的力量与眼界不一定更大也未必渺小,但卑微地相信能够更贴近自己的心。 Zero 喻意从零开始,回归对音乐的初衷。不违不惧,就是一个人的音乐的样子。 Zero has involved in music industry for decades, playing metal to pop rock, from bassist to folk duo. When Covid-19 Pandemic hit the world, he took time to have a reflection and decided to kick start his personal solo project. He is returning to Britpop and Grunge music. that influenced him most during teenage time. He humbly believes that can be closer to his heart. Zero means to start from scratch and return to the original intention. No violation or fear, just another solo on music path.

Relish the songs of Zero on Joox anytime! Whenever we talk about an artist with amazing songs and albums, we cannot afford to miss one name viz Zero. Zero is one of the popular artists having 4 followers. If you too are looking for a destination to find Zero songs then look no more, at Joox we present an incredible compilation of Zero music videos and songs with lyrics that you would truly enjoy!