Antonio Farao

安东尼.法拉欧 义大利钢琴家安东尼.法拉欧,是新生代乐手中的佼佼者,也是名闻欧洲爵士乐坛的天才少年,在他的故乡米兰,人们一直津津乐道他14岁时的轶事:安东尼.法拉欧曾和父母一起前往城中最著名的爵士俱乐部,少年好奇的安东尼.法拉欧请求驻场乐手让他演奏一曲,当时义大利钢琴巨擘赛拉尼也在座中,琴音飘扬,大为惊艳的赛拉尼的第一个反应是:「老天,哪里来的美国好手?!」 安东尼.法拉欧年纪虽轻,故事却不只这一桩,10年前,一心求取进步的安东尼.法拉欧向大师鼓手丹尼胡迈尔说他想到著名的美国百科里音乐学院待个四年,胡迈尔楞了一下,继而大笑说:「你去百科里干嘛?教书啊!」 小时了了,往往需要更坚强的意志力才能成大器,现年30出头的安东尼.法拉欧就是这样一个律己极严的艺术家,他熟悉爵士乐的传统钢琴语言,却绝不因循,他创作了众人交相赞誉的乐曲,仍然毫不自满。安东尼.法拉欧的钢琴演奏极具个人创意,酷派的内敛、硬式咆勃的热情活力、前卫爵士的解放创意,在他手中达成绝妙的平衡。   by Charlotte Dillon Extraordinary Italian pianist Antonio Faraó was born in Rome in 1965. He attended the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan in the '80s, where his musical gifts were refined. Faraó began cultivating his profound love of jazz music at active jazz clubs when he was only in his teens. Even then, those around him didn't miss the natural talent for piano the young man had been blessed with. Faraó started touring at an early age, playing in festivals like Lugano, Merano, Lyon, Umbria Jazz, Palermo, and many others. In 1987, at only 22, he won the New Talent Prize at the X1 Music Review. Four years later, he was voted Pianist of the Year, winning the Four Roses Prize. In 1998, he was invited to enter into the international competition for the Concours Martial Solal. Faraó came away as the winner. In 1999, Faraó saw the release of his debut album under the ENJA Records label, Black Inside. Bassist Ira Coleman and drummer Jeff "Tain" Watts accompanied Faraó's piano work. With post-bop tracks like "Latin Dance," "Sweet," and "My One and Only Love," the album combined a Mediterranean touch with the African-American jazz styling that Faraó has become known for. A sophomore effort entitled Thorn followed in early 2001.

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About Antonio Farao :

安东尼.法拉欧 义大利钢琴家安东尼.法拉欧,是新生代乐手中的佼佼者,也是名闻欧洲爵士乐坛的天才少年,在他的故乡米兰,人们一直津津乐道他14岁时的轶事:安东尼.法拉欧曾和父母一起前往城中最著名的爵士俱乐部,少年好奇的安东尼.法拉欧请求驻场乐手让他演奏一曲,当时义大利钢琴巨擘赛拉尼也在座中,琴音飘扬,大为惊艳的赛拉尼的第一个反应是:「老天,哪里来的美国好手?!」 安东尼.法拉欧年纪虽轻,故事却不只这一桩,10年前,一心求取进步的安东尼.法拉欧向大师鼓手丹尼胡迈尔说他想到著名的美国百科里音乐学院待个四年,胡迈尔楞了一下,继而大笑说:「你去百科里干嘛?教书啊!」 小时了了,往往需要更坚强的意志力才能成大器,现年30出头的安东尼.法拉欧就是这样一个律己极严的艺术家,他熟悉爵士乐的传统钢琴语言,却绝不因循,他创作了众人交相赞誉的乐曲,仍然毫不自满。安东尼.法拉欧的钢琴演奏极具个人创意,酷派的内敛、硬式咆勃的热情活力、前卫爵士的解放创意,在他手中达成绝妙的平衡。   by Charlotte Dillon Extraordinary Italian pianist Antonio Faraó was born in Rome in 1965. He attended the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan in the '80s, where his musical gifts were refined. Faraó began cultivating his profound love of jazz music at active jazz clubs when he was only in his teens. Even then, those around him didn't miss the natural talent for piano the young man had been blessed with. Faraó started touring at an early age, playing in festivals like Lugano, Merano, Lyon, Umbria Jazz, Palermo, and many others. In 1987, at only 22, he won the New Talent Prize at the X1 Music Review. Four years later, he was voted Pianist of the Year, winning the Four Roses Prize. In 1998, he was invited to enter into the international competition for the Concours Martial Solal. Faraó came away as the winner. In 1999, Faraó saw the release of his debut album under the ENJA Records label, Black Inside. Bassist Ira Coleman and drummer Jeff "Tain" Watts accompanied Faraó's piano work. With post-bop tracks like "Latin Dance," "Sweet," and "My One and Only Love," the album combined a Mediterranean touch with the African-American jazz styling that Faraó has become known for. A sophomore effort entitled Thorn followed in early 2001.

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