Loren Gray
2.8k Followers年仅18岁,凭借一己之力成为现象级红人的Loren Gray,目前,已经积累了超过1亿全球流媒体量,全社交平台累计粉丝量超过6500万。通过Ins(近2000万粉丝)以及TikTok(4200万粉丝),Loren带给粉丝的印象是前卫、活力四射、充满力量,坦诚的。同时,她对粉丝更是倍加宠爱。 自小弹钢琴,Loren Gray童年时期吸收各类音乐流派的熏陶,从摇滚到乡村,重金属再到嘻哈。15岁投入到音乐领域中,在独立完成六部作品后,她签入Virgin Records。2018年发行单曲“My Story”,空降Spotify Global Viral Chart第一名。
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Piece of Work9 Jul 2021
About Loren Gray :
Relish the songs of Loren Gray on Joox anytime! Whenever we talk about an artist with amazing songs and albums, we cannot afford to miss one name viz Loren Gray. Loren Gray is one of the popular artists having 2,866 followers. If you too are looking for a destination to find Loren Gray songs then look no more, at Joox we present an incredible compilation of Loren Gray music videos and songs with lyrics that you would truly enjoy!