176 Followers黑鸭子演唱组成立于1992年,是中国歌坛的最早的和音演唱组合之一,由李蓉、郭祁、李伟组成,她们的和声被作为和声标准。曾有音乐人这样评价黑鸭子的声音:黑鸭子演唱组最擅长的是以优美谐和的声音叩开人们的心扉,她们的声音表情凌于技艺之上,以情带声,情声造境,快歌轻盈如溪,慢歌绵长有致。那一份典雅与浅俗之间簇新的浮动的声音,仿佛在以歌喉作画,带来一种“水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇”的美感。
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Relish the songs of 黑鸭子 on Joox anytime! Whenever we talk about an artist with amazing songs and albums, we cannot afford to miss one name viz 黑鸭子. 黑鸭子 is one of the popular artists having 176 followers. If you too are looking for a destination to find 黑鸭子 songs then look no more, at Joox we present an incredible compilation of 黑鸭子 music videos and songs with lyrics that you would truly enjoy!