CY Leo


何卓彦是名二十六岁的半音阶口琴手、作曲家和唱作人,六歳起得李尚澄先生启蒙,及后得日本大师和谷泰扶先生指导,籍口琴展现的天赋令他登上多个国际音乐舞台,是来自香港一颗耀眼的新星。 他的父亲何百昌是香港口琴协会和英皇口琴五重奏的创办人,深受其父影响的他似乎从小就注定会成为一名口琴手,年仅十岁就于亚太口琴节获得他第一个个人国际奖项,从此披荆斩棘,到十九岁已得到十七个国际奖项,其中两次包括分别于2009年和2013年世界口琴节获得半音阶口琴独奏青年及指定曲目组别的冠军。 然而他不满足于此,并决定要为其口琴生涯展开新一页。他接受世界各地的邀请,摇身一变成为不同口琴节,包括首尔国际口琴节、亚太口琴节、瑞士口琴协会庆典音乐会、挪威口琴节的表演嘉宾、讲师和评判。于2017年,他更获邀为世界口琴节的半音阶口琴独奏的指定曲目作曲。 其实至2016年,出现毕业于理工大学后,便不断把音乐带到世界不同的角落。他多次获得包括世鹏邮轮、大洋邮轮、皇家加勒比国际邮轮等7个国际邮轮的邀请作为专场独奏者,至今已走埠40多个城市。此外,至2018年, 卓彦亦多次被香港政府邀请,代表香港到访超过十个城市演出,其中包括哈萨克斯坦、曼谷、星加坡、伦敦和成都。 2018年二月,他更获邀与全球最大型音乐展览NAMM Show 2018于美国加州演出。 作为土生土长的香港人,何卓彦亦常出没于香港主流音乐界,先后与多名知名艺人如林忆莲、卢冠庭、李克勤、古巨基和古天乐等合作。其于2017年为由金城武主演的爱情喜剧《喜欢你》的录音大受好评,卢冠庭更曾在其万人红馆演唱会《Beyond Imagination》的台上称赞何卓彦是「世界最好的口琴手」。 除了主流音乐,何卓彦也积极参与很多本土独立音乐和音乐文化活动,包括两个香港最大型的音乐节:第32届香港艺术节和2016 Clockenflap。其古典音乐家、爵士音乐家和唱作人的身分令他在很多的香港音乐节得到注意,同时他独特的故事也常常吸引到媒体的注意,报导于CCTV 1、TVB、明珠台、明报每日新闻,南华早报、香港经济日报、都市日报和RMM Journal。这位戳热的新星,也引起了不少商业品牌兴趣与其合作,其中包括Bose、Etro、Initial Fashion、Shell 和幸福伤风素等。 近年,这位炙手可热的口琴家,同时也开展了文化艺术上的个人事业,于2020年联合创立了唱片公司末姜,致力推动本地原创纯音乐发展。同时,自2018年起,他在两年间成功以一系列的众筹计划,推出了两张口琴专辑「追幻时空」和「天使与魔鬼」。而「追幻时空」的个人音乐会三场演出共吸引了过千观众,大受好评。随后他在2020年亦获得第14届香港艺术发展局颁发的艺术新秀奖,表扬他在本地文化活动的成绩。 在2017年,何卓彦受邀于香港城市大学成立并指导口琴队,志在宣扬、发展和提升香港口琴吹奏及演奏。他又经常以Perfect Fourth口琴四重奏队员的身分现身社区文化发展计划和大型政府活动,例如于国庆日的接待区演出。他现时是Music Lab的联合艺术总监。Cy Leo is a twenty-six-year-old chromatic harmonica virtuoso, composer, and singer song writer from Hong Kong. Received classical harmonica training from Lee Sheung Ching and Watani Yasuo, Leo’s talent in the harmonica has given him widespread international recognition and success. Influenced by his father, PC Ho, founder of the Hong Kong Harmonica Association and the world-renowned King’s Harmonica Quintet, Leo became a consummate performer, winning his first international award as a harmonica soloist at the age of 10 at the Asia-Pacific Harmonica Festival. By the age of nineteen, he had accumulated 17 international titles including Solo World Champion twice at the World Harmonica Festivals of 2009 and 2013. Since his appearance on the world harmonica scene, Leo has appeared as a guest performer and adjudicator at numerous internationally recognized harmonica events including The Seoul International Harmonica Festival and The Asia Pacific International Harmonica Festival. In addition, Leo was invited to compose for the Test Piece Solo Category in the World Harmonica Festival of 2017 where he also served as one of its adjudicators. Since his graduation from the Polytechnic University in 2016, he has been touring frequently across the globe. Leo has toured in over 40 cities as a headline harmonica soloist on 7 international cruise lines including the prestigious Seabourn, Oceania and Royal Caribbean cruises. Since 2018, Leo has been invited by the Hong Kong government to perform as Hong Kong representative artist in over 10 cities including Kazakhstan, Bangkok, Singapore, London and ChengDu. One of the highlights of his touring career was to perform at the one of the world biggest music events, the NAMM Show 2018, in California. Closer to home, Leo has collaborated with many A-list local HK artists including Sandy Lam, Lowell Lo, Hacken Lee, Leo Ku and Louis Koo, and has launched and continues to direct the Hong Kong City University harmonica team. Leo has also appeared at two of the biggest music festivals in Hong Kong, including the 32ndHong Kong Arts Festival and Clockenflap 2016. Widely recognized as one of Hong Kong’s foremost musical talents, Leo’s has appeared frequently on regional media, including the CCTV 1, TVB, Pearl TV, Ming Pao Daily News, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Metropop, and the RMM Journal. The rising star has also attracted unprecedented collaboration with commercials brands including Bose, Etro, Initial Fashion, Shell, Fortune Pharmacal etc. Despite being widely recognised and favoured as a harmonica aficionado, Leo feels compelled to excel by starting his entrepreneurial voyage. He has co-founded an instrumental music label Ginger Muse to promote original instrumental music in Hong Kong. Within two years since 2018, Leo has released two albums including the ‘Lost In Time’ and ‘Angel & Demon’ with the support from a series of successful crowdfunding campaign. His debut performance ‘Lost In Time’ also received an overwhelmingly positive response from the local public, attaining a promising box that reached out to over a thousand paid audience members. He was later awarded as the Young Artists of the 14th Hong Kong Arts Development Awards in 2020. Recently in 2020, Leo’s recordings attracted extensive recognition when one of them appeared at a single ,’ Face to Face’, by the well-known Australian singer-songwriter Ruel. He also appeared at numerous movie including ‘This Is Not What I Expected’ starring Takeshi Kaneshiro , ‘Chasing the Dragon’ starring Donnie Yan etc. In Lowell Lo’s concert, ‘Beyond Imagination’ in 2017, at the Hong Kong Coliseum with over ten thousand concert-goers, Lowell acknowledged Leo on stage as ‘the best harmonica player in the world’. He is now the Co-Artistic Director of Music Lab.

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About CY Leo :

何卓彦是名二十六岁的半音阶口琴手、作曲家和唱作人,六歳起得李尚澄先生启蒙,及后得日本大师和谷泰扶先生指导,籍口琴展现的天赋令他登上多个国际音乐舞台,是来自香港一颗耀眼的新星。 他的父亲何百昌是香港口琴协会和英皇口琴五重奏的创办人,深受其父影响的他似乎从小就注定会成为一名口琴手,年仅十岁就于亚太口琴节获得他第一个个人国际奖项,从此披荆斩棘,到十九岁已得到十七个国际奖项,其中两次包括分别于2009年和2013年世界口琴节获得半音阶口琴独奏青年及指定曲目组别的冠军。 然而他不满足于此,并决定要为其口琴生涯展开新一页。他接受世界各地的邀请,摇身一变成为不同口琴节,包括首尔国际口琴节、亚太口琴节、瑞士口琴协会庆典音乐会、挪威口琴节的表演嘉宾、讲师和评判。于2017年,他更获邀为世界口琴节的半音阶口琴独奏的指定曲目作曲。 其实至2016年,出现毕业于理工大学后,便不断把音乐带到世界不同的角落。他多次获得包括世鹏邮轮、大洋邮轮、皇家加勒比国际邮轮等7个国际邮轮的邀请作为专场独奏者,至今已走埠40多个城市。此外,至2018年, 卓彦亦多次被香港政府邀请,代表香港到访超过十个城市演出,其中包括哈萨克斯坦、曼谷、星加坡、伦敦和成都。 2018年二月,他更获邀与全球最大型音乐展览NAMM Show 2018于美国加州演出。 作为土生土长的香港人,何卓彦亦常出没于香港主流音乐界,先后与多名知名艺人如林忆莲、卢冠庭、李克勤、古巨基和古天乐等合作。其于2017年为由金城武主演的爱情喜剧《喜欢你》的录音大受好评,卢冠庭更曾在其万人红馆演唱会《Beyond Imagination》的台上称赞何卓彦是「世界最好的口琴手」。 除了主流音乐,何卓彦也积极参与很多本土独立音乐和音乐文化活动,包括两个香港最大型的音乐节:第32届香港艺术节和2016 Clockenflap。其古典音乐家、爵士音乐家和唱作人的身分令他在很多的香港音乐节得到注意,同时他独特的故事也常常吸引到媒体的注意,报导于CCTV 1、TVB、明珠台、明报每日新闻,南华早报、香港经济日报、都市日报和RMM Journal。这位戳热的新星,也引起了不少商业品牌兴趣与其合作,其中包括Bose、Etro、Initial Fashion、Shell 和幸福伤风素等。 近年,这位炙手可热的口琴家,同时也开展了文化艺术上的个人事业,于2020年联合创立了唱片公司末姜,致力推动本地原创纯音乐发展。同时,自2018年起,他在两年间成功以一系列的众筹计划,推出了两张口琴专辑「追幻时空」和「天使与魔鬼」。而「追幻时空」的个人音乐会三场演出共吸引了过千观众,大受好评。随后他在2020年亦获得第14届香港艺术发展局颁发的艺术新秀奖,表扬他在本地文化活动的成绩。 在2017年,何卓彦受邀于香港城市大学成立并指导口琴队,志在宣扬、发展和提升香港口琴吹奏及演奏。他又经常以Perfect Fourth口琴四重奏队员的身分现身社区文化发展计划和大型政府活动,例如于国庆日的接待区演出。他现时是Music Lab的联合艺术总监。Cy Leo is a twenty-six-year-old chromatic harmonica virtuoso, composer, and singer song writer from Hong Kong. Received classical harmonica training from Lee Sheung Ching and Watani Yasuo, Leo’s talent in the harmonica has given him widespread international recognition and success. Influenced by his father, PC Ho, founder of the Hong Kong Harmonica Association and the world-renowned King’s Harmonica Quintet, Leo became a consummate performer, winning his first international award as a harmonica soloist at the age of 10 at the Asia-Pacific Harmonica Festival. By the age of nineteen, he had accumulated 17 international titles including Solo World Champion twice at the World Harmonica Festivals of 2009 and 2013. Since his appearance on the world harmonica scene, Leo has appeared as a guest performer and adjudicator at numerous internationally recognized harmonica events including The Seoul International Harmonica Festival and The Asia Pacific International Harmonica Festival. In addition, Leo was invited to compose for the Test Piece Solo Category in the World Harmonica Festival of 2017 where he also served as one of its adjudicators. Since his graduation from the Polytechnic University in 2016, he has been touring frequently across the globe. Leo has toured in over 40 cities as a headline harmonica soloist on 7 international cruise lines including the prestigious Seabourn, Oceania and Royal Caribbean cruises. Since 2018, Leo has been invited by the Hong Kong government to perform as Hong Kong representative artist in over 10 cities including Kazakhstan, Bangkok, Singapore, London and ChengDu. One of the highlights of his touring career was to perform at the one of the world biggest music events, the NAMM Show 2018, in California. Closer to home, Leo has collaborated with many A-list local HK artists including Sandy Lam, Lowell Lo, Hacken Lee, Leo Ku and Louis Koo, and has launched and continues to direct the Hong Kong City University harmonica team. Leo has also appeared at two of the biggest music festivals in Hong Kong, including the 32ndHong Kong Arts Festival and Clockenflap 2016. Widely recognized as one of Hong Kong’s foremost musical talents, Leo’s has appeared frequently on regional media, including the CCTV 1, TVB, Pearl TV, Ming Pao Daily News, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Metropop, and the RMM Journal. The rising star has also attracted unprecedented collaboration with commercials brands including Bose, Etro, Initial Fashion, Shell, Fortune Pharmacal etc. Despite being widely recognised and favoured as a harmonica aficionado, Leo feels compelled to excel by starting his entrepreneurial voyage. He has co-founded an instrumental music label Ginger Muse to promote original instrumental music in Hong Kong. Within two years since 2018, Leo has released two albums including the ‘Lost In Time’ and ‘Angel & Demon’ with the support from a series of successful crowdfunding campaign. His debut performance ‘Lost In Time’ also received an overwhelmingly positive response from the local public, attaining a promising box that reached out to over a thousand paid audience members. He was later awarded as the Young Artists of the 14th Hong Kong Arts Development Awards in 2020. Recently in 2020, Leo’s recordings attracted extensive recognition when one of them appeared at a single ,’ Face to Face’, by the well-known Australian singer-songwriter Ruel. He also appeared at numerous movie including ‘This Is Not What I Expected’ starring Takeshi Kaneshiro , ‘Chasing the Dragon’ starring Donnie Yan etc. In Lowell Lo’s concert, ‘Beyond Imagination’ in 2017, at the Hong Kong Coliseum with over ten thousand concert-goers, Lowell acknowledged Leo on stage as ‘the best harmonica player in the world’. He is now the Co-Artistic Director of Music Lab.

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