Ho Lilian (何嘉莉)
478 Followers本 籍: 番禺 英文名: Ho, Lilian 生 日: 1980-8-1 出生地: 香港 身 高: 175cm 体 重: 107磅 血 型: B 星 座: 狮子座 语言: 中文,英文,国语 嗜好: 运动,弹琴,唱歌及吃东西 最喜爱食物: 芒果及Cookie N'Cream雪糕 最喜爱运动: 排球 最喜爱歌手: Tina Arena、中山美穗及相川七濑 最满意部位: 眼 最喜爱颜色: 白,蓝,黑 最喜爱动物: 狗 最喜爱的季节: 秋天 最喜爱的书籍种类: 人类哲学及心理学
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About Ho Lilian (何嘉莉) :
Relish the songs of Ho Lilian (何嘉莉) on Joox anytime! Whenever we talk about an artist with amazing songs and albums, we cannot afford to miss one name viz Ho Lilian (何嘉莉). Ho Lilian (何嘉莉) is one of the popular artists having 478 followers. If you too are looking for a destination to find Ho Lilian (何嘉莉) songs then look no more, at Joox we present an incredible compilation of Ho Lilian (何嘉莉) music videos and songs with lyrics that you would truly enjoy!