Keemo自小学习古典钢琴出身,深受巴赫影响,讲求旋律间的对话,曲式的严谨。和恬静真实的表达内容。成长过程中,开始接触世界各地的民族音乐和电子音乐,颠覆了很多固有的思维,开始重新思考起音乐。 Keemo的音乐注重氛围和画面感,避免矫情过多的旋律修饰,新古典主义及极简主义声响的创作取向,注重表达东方哲学思考的方式,企图在音乐寻找自己潜意识的反馈的同时为听众营造一个清醒的空间。 同时,Keemo还凭借其出色的音乐制作水平与对画面和空间的敏锐感知为多部电影创作原声音乐。
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About Keemo :
Relish the songs of Keemo on Joox anytime! Whenever we talk about an artist with amazing songs and albums, we cannot afford to miss one name viz Keemo. Keemo is one of the popular artists having 0 followers. If you too are looking for a destination to find Keemo songs then look no more, at Joox we present an incredible compilation of Keemo music videos and songs with lyrics that you would truly enjoy!