Johnny Flynn
45 粉絲來自英國倫敦的歌手, Johnny Flynn是個演員, 同時也是一個詩人, 當然還是一個唱作人. 他自稱深受著名詩人葉芝和莎士比亞的影響. When Clash catches up with Johnny Flynn and a couple of other members of The Sussex Wit he is in a car on the way to a wedding. In the background I can hear what Johnny describes as a “story-tape” and which he later informs me is The Picture of Dorian Gray although it takes quite a few broken conversations before it is finally switched off and I can actually hear what Johnny is trying to say. Listening to the words of Oscar Wilde strikes me as a very Johnny Flynn thing to do, though I’m not exactly sure why. He speaks softly and almost with a stutter like a nervous teenager but I don’t think it’s nerves which affect his speech – I think it’s just his way.
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隨時上JOOX欣賞 Johnny Flynn 的歌曲!每當說到一位擁有出色歌曲和專輯的歌手時,我們一定會想到擁有 45 粉絲的Johnny Flynn。如果你也正在尋找 Johnny Flynn 的歌曲,那就太好了!JOOX將會為你提供 Johnny Flynn 的MV和歌曲合輯,你必會喜歡這些歌曲!