Dengarkan Rockstar (Post Malone Parody) (Explicit) (Post Malone Parody|Explicit) lagu dari Dan Bull dengan lirik

Rockstar (Post Malone Parody) (Explicit) (Post Malone Parody|Explicit)

Dan Bull29 Nov 2017

Lirik Rockstar (Post Malone Parody) (Explicit) (Post Malone Parody|Explicit)

Rockstar (Post Malone Parody(Explicit)) - Dan Bull

Lyrics by:Dan Bull


Rhino tank God

Ayy ayy

There's a few things that I wanna say

To the game company named rockstar star ayy

I've been playing GTA since '98

So I've been down with you lot right from the start

The start

When running over Hare Krishnas

Was rewarded with the sound Gouranga ranga

I learnt swearing thanks to you if I hadn't

I'd still be saying Gosh darn

Gosh darn by Jove ayy ayy

Played the story mode of GTA V

Every day all Summer got far got far ayy

Then it glitched I lost my progress I was pissed

Had a face like a slapped arse slapped arse ayy

Plus quit GTA online 'cause hackers got free stuff

For which I got charged got charged ayy

Wasted every penny of my money

On a Megalodon shark card shark card

There's some more stuff that I wanna say

To the game company named rockstar star ayy ayy

How come you don't bother using the face engine

You used in LA Noire A Noire

It was such a cool way to incorporate the faces

Of real actors actors

Their expressions were as entertaining

As when Jack Thompson got disbarred

He was so annoying blaming all the violence on games

Saying GTA was the way murderers had been trained

Saying I want it banned ayy ayy

Kind of like how you never made a PC red dead redemption

And even despite the undeniable demand

You're disappointing the fans yeah ayy

One final thing that I want to say

To the game company named rockstar star

Why you never made another grand theft auto

That is set in London London

Now you're based in New York

You forgot your humble roots

In Edinburgh burgh

Or Dundee I couldn't tell from my research

But definitely in Scotland Scotland

Is it bad that I just wanna hear a pedestrian

Shouting tosser tosser

Swearing like a British person is at risk

Of becoming a lost art lost art

Wouldn't it be fun to hear the word wanker

More often in the pop charts pop charts

That's currently the end of the list

Of things I want to say to rockstar star

I'm singing the same melody as before

But transposed by an octave ave


Rockstar rockstar rockstar rockstar

Komentar untuk Rockstar (Post Malone Parody) (Explicit) (Post Malone Parody|Explicit) (3)

echa yanay
echa yanay


Yesi Ayuningsih
Yesi Ayuningsih

lirik dong

jafar jr
jafar jr

lirik nya dong