Lirik Nothing's Getting In Our Way
Nothing's Getting In Our Way 势不可挡 - POWER4
Band:POWER4 (ft.TREN)
Mixing Engineer:Double @NERDYBOYProduction
Mixing Assistant:Joe.H @NERDYBOYProduction
Mixing Studio:NoStandardStudio
Mastering Engineer:Double @Nerdyboy Production
Mastering Studio:Nerdyboy Space Capsule
OP:Tencent Mobile International. KRAFTON
Broken spirits disparity
A balance bursting at the seam ha ha
Disillusion disturbing outside
Maybe it's time we turned the tide
Fire and water combined make steam
Wind and Earth can make the strongest quake
If the best in us becomes a team
It will only be to easy to say
Winner winner chicken dinner
Nothing no nothing nothing's getting in our way
Nothing no nothing nothing's getting in our way
In every attack I'll have your back
As we're charging like bats outta hell
And we we'll hold our ground and we won't back down
Till we're ringing that victory bell
Together we're a force that can't be tamed
And nothing's getting in our way
Our hearts are screaming beating for more
Dreaming up what nightmares were before
As synchronizing cohesive machines
Together no surrender no defeat
Cause Fire and water combined make steam
Wind and Earth can make the strongest quake
If the best in us becomes a team
It will only be to easy to say
Winner winner chicken dinner
Nothing nothing nothing's getting in our way
Nothing nothing nothing's getting in our way
In every attack I'll have your back
As we're charging like bats outta hell
And we we'll hold our ground and we won't back down
Till we're ringing that victory bell
Together we're a force that can't be tamed
And nothing nothing's getting in our way
Nothing's getting in our
Nothing's getting in our
Nothing's getting in our way
Winner winner chicken dinner
Nothing nothing nothing's getting in our way
Nothing nothing nothing's getting in our way
In every attack I'll have your back
As we're charging like bats outta hell
And we we'll hold our ground and we won't back down
Till we're ringing that victory bell
Together we're a force that can't be tamed
And nothing nothing's getting in our way
Lagu terkait
Komentar untuk Nothing's Getting In Our Way (21)

ni lagu udah setaun yang lalu .. pubg the best song
give uc bang wk

my favorite

Tau apa? 🙂
wkwkwk gw sebenernya tau
wkwkwk gw sebenernya tau
Sejak kapan FF “Winer winer Chicken Diner”?!
Sejak kapan FF “Winer winer Chicken Diner”?!
lagu ff ya gila keren banget
musik yang tergiang giang dari pas ada event ini sampe sekarang bahkan kalo dilobby kasetnya yg gua puter ini wkwkwk emang gokil sih