Lirik Liquid Girl
Liquid Girl - Aloan
Lyrics by:Alain Frey/Céline Frey/David Granite
Composed by:Alain Frey/Céline Frey
Produced by:Alain Frey
Try not to ssss no I won't ttt
I promess I won't cry I'll resist it
I'm gonna hold out
No I won't pppp my eyes are wet ttt
And I do hardly swallow my legs are shaking
I'm gonna faint
I'm a liquid girl
I'm crying for a yes or no
Try to be quiet and wise and peaceful
'Cause I know
I'm made of million drops
Drippin' every time a cold wind blows
Nothing can hold me 'cause
I'm made of water and salt
Hey hey
Oh no I tttt I nearly tcha tcha tcha
I'm gonna fight gonna hide try to keep it
I'm so ashamed
And if you ssssee I'm gonna tatatata
Already bite my cheeks and push my nails
Deep in my skin
I'm a liquid girl and yes
I cry for a yes or no
I'll never be wise and peaceful
'Cause I know
I'm made of million drops
Drippin every time a sad wind blows
Nothing can hold me 'cause
I'm made of water and salt
You see
And if I ssss and if I tttt
You'll see my weakness and think I don't worth it
I don't deserve it
But yes I tttt and then I'll ssss
Oh and I just don't care of what you thinking
And what you expect from me no
Yes I'm crying for details little nothing
And even for anything
When I'm happy or what ever I feel
Now it's over I won't be stronger
But I'll be free to feel myself covered with a rainy joy
Feel myself covered with a rainy joy
Feel myself covered with a rainy joy
Joy joy
I don't need your umbrella
I love my tears are flowing
Along my cheeks
'Cause you know what I am
I'm not ashamed no
I'm a liquid girl and yes
I cry for a yes or no
Tread will be crying
Wise and peaceful
'Cause I know
I'm made of million drops
Dripping every time a sad wind blows
Nothing can hold me 'cause
I'm made of water and salt
Nothing can hold me 'cause
I'm made of water and salt