
37 粉絲

001年,纽约,布鲁克林,Evan Mast和Mike Stroud绞尽脑汁给乐队起了个名字“Cherry”,樱桃。在第一次公开演出后,他们毅然更名。Ratatat,砰砰声,符合自身风格,吉他法滋,电鼓压缩,敲打成曲。在乐队中,Evan Mast负责乐队的编曲和各类相关的偏门乐器演奏,Mike Stroud是个吉他手,企图用Fuzz征服世界。如果你想知道他们还干过什么,去听Mast幕后操纵的E*vax,在电脑电子的音乐里还能听见Ratatat的放纵。最初,两人在创作上保持着相对的独立。Mast会把他在卧室编好的曲和节奏发给还在路上跟其他乐队巡演的Stroud,由Stroud加入吉他的部分。直到03年,Mast和Stroud真正的开始在一起制造属于他们的声音。和很多人一样,Mast也是个平面设计师。Stroud先生相对专一,似乎和他相关的只有音乐。2004年,Ratatat签约了英国著名的唱片厂牌XL Recordings,其同门有着Radiohead、The White Stripes、M.I.A.等超级艺人。至今,乐队发行了4张唱片,《Ratatat》、《Classic》依旧是Indie Electronic界充满幻想的两张经典唱片。08年7月,Ratatat的最新唱片《LP3》发行上市,模拟和数字的混乱,滑音吉他到雪橇铃铛,峻酷 节奏到俱乐部舞曲,再一次,Ratatat在现代器乐演奏中划出了他们的新界限。by Heather PharesFormerly known as Cherry, New York''s rock-meets-electronica duo Ratatat feature multi-instrumentalist/programmer Evan Mast and guitarist Mike Stroud. Mast is also the brains behind the pretty laptop pop of E*vax, and with his brother E*Rock he runs the indie electronic label Audio Dregs. Stroud also plays, in the studio and on tour, with artists including Ben Kweller and Dashboard Confessional. Between these duties (and Mast''s job as a graphic designer), the duo found time to work on their collaboration. Mast worked beats and song ideas in his bedroom studio, which he gave to Stroud to develop while the guitarist was on the road. Though Mast and Stroud began working together in 2001, things began to really come together for the pair in 2003: in May, while they were still called Cherry, they played their first gig; by September they changed their name to Ratatat; and that November they issued their first single on Audio Dregs, which had a limited run of 1,100 copies. Dates with Franz Ferdinand, Interpol, and Battles followed, and Ratatat signed to XL Records. The duo''s self-titled debut album arrived in spring 2004, coinciding with another round of dates with bands including !!!, Electrelane, and Tortoise. Classics appeared in 2006, followed by a self-released remix album. Ratatat then took a different approach to their third full-length effort, emphasizing live percussion and keyboards while toning down their familiar mix of programmed beats and guitars. Recorded in several short weeks, LP3 was released in July 2008.


Ratatat :

001年,纽约,布鲁克林,Evan Mast和Mike Stroud绞尽脑汁给乐队起了个名字“Cherry”,樱桃。在第一次公开演出后,他们毅然更名。Ratatat,砰砰声,符合自身风格,吉他法滋,电鼓压缩,敲打成曲。在乐队中,Evan Mast负责乐队的编曲和各类相关的偏门乐器演奏,Mike Stroud是个吉他手,企图用Fuzz征服世界。如果你想知道他们还干过什么,去听Mast幕后操纵的E*vax,在电脑电子的音乐里还能听见Ratatat的放纵。最初,两人在创作上保持着相对的独立。Mast会把他在卧室编好的曲和节奏发给还在路上跟其他乐队巡演的Stroud,由Stroud加入吉他的部分。直到03年,Mast和Stroud真正的开始在一起制造属于他们的声音。和很多人一样,Mast也是个平面设计师。Stroud先生相对专一,似乎和他相关的只有音乐。2004年,Ratatat签约了英国著名的唱片厂牌XL Recordings,其同门有着Radiohead、The White Stripes、M.I.A.等超级艺人。至今,乐队发行了4张唱片,《Ratatat》、《Classic》依旧是Indie Electronic界充满幻想的两张经典唱片。08年7月,Ratatat的最新唱片《LP3》发行上市,模拟和数字的混乱,滑音吉他到雪橇铃铛,峻酷 节奏到俱乐部舞曲,再一次,Ratatat在现代器乐演奏中划出了他们的新界限。by Heather PharesFormerly known as Cherry, New York''s rock-meets-electronica duo Ratatat feature multi-instrumentalist/programmer Evan Mast and guitarist Mike Stroud. Mast is also the brains behind the pretty laptop pop of E*vax, and with his brother E*Rock he runs the indie electronic label Audio Dregs. Stroud also plays, in the studio and on tour, with artists including Ben Kweller and Dashboard Confessional. Between these duties (and Mast''s job as a graphic designer), the duo found time to work on their collaboration. Mast worked beats and song ideas in his bedroom studio, which he gave to Stroud to develop while the guitarist was on the road. Though Mast and Stroud began working together in 2001, things began to really come together for the pair in 2003: in May, while they were still called Cherry, they played their first gig; by September they changed their name to Ratatat; and that November they issued their first single on Audio Dregs, which had a limited run of 1,100 copies. Dates with Franz Ferdinand, Interpol, and Battles followed, and Ratatat signed to XL Records. The duo''s self-titled debut album arrived in spring 2004, coinciding with another round of dates with bands including !!!, Electrelane, and Tortoise. Classics appeared in 2006, followed by a self-released remix album. Ratatat then took a different approach to their third full-length effort, emphasizing live percussion and keyboards while toning down their familiar mix of programmed beats and guitars. Recorded in several short weeks, LP3 was released in July 2008.

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