Meat Loaf
3.2k Followers1951年生于美国达拉斯的Meat Loaf,由于生长于一个充满灵魂福音歌曲的家庭,所以一副雄浑充满灵性的歌喉,也可以算是得天独厚的天赋。1966年Meat Loaf与友人合组的团体「Meat Loaf Soul」,即为迷幻摇滚祖师级乐团「Popcorn Blizzard」的前身,身为主唱的Meat Loaf因着他浑厚的嗓音和极具强势爆发力的唱腔,攫获不少乐评以及同侪乐手及团体的瞩目。 之后的十年间,Meat Loaf陆续参与了几次像是:「Hair」、「Rainbow」、「The Rocky Horror Show」….等等乐史上最具影响力的摇滚歌剧的演出,不但展现了他傲人的演唱功力,也使得他琢磨出舞台表演的坚固实力。1977年首度以个人姿态推出的专辑"Bat Out Of Hell"奠定了Meat Loaf以后Theater Rock的特殊作风,承继Progressive Rock的前卫精神,Meat Loaf的歌曲编排多充满着结合管弦乐及古典摇滚交织的壮阔格式,其中又搀入浓稠的戏剧性,使得他的音乐在 Pop/Art Rock 的外衣之下,每一首歌曲都是一部有声电影。
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Relish the songs of Meat Loaf on Joox anytime! Whenever we talk about an artist with amazing songs and albums, we cannot afford to miss one name viz Meat Loaf. Meat Loaf is one of the popular artists having 3,217 followers. If you too are looking for a destination to find Meat Loaf songs then look no more, at Joox we present an incredible compilation of Meat Loaf music videos and songs with lyrics that you would truly enjoy!