收听Dock Boggs的Wild Bill Jones歌词歌曲

Wild Bill Jones

Dock Boggs2022年3月16日

Wild Bill Jones 歌词

Wild Bill Jones - Dock Boggs

I was out a walking

Around one night

And I met with

Old Wild Bill Jones


He was walking

He was talking

With the girl I loved

And I bid him for

To leave her alone


He says

Young man I am twenty two

Too old for to be controlled


I drew a revolver

From my side and I 'stroyed

One poor boy's soul


He rambled and he scrambled

All on the ground

And he gave

One deathly moan


He looked in the face

Of his darling true love say

Oh darling you are left alone


My money's in my pockets

And my pistols in my hands

Look for the man that made


Old Wild Bill stand